July Observations
Observation of the day
July 30, 2014

Just to the left of center is a tiny spec called Luna, the moon, in its waxing first quarter. It's hard to see, I know, but it's accurate.
I noticed it from the corner of my eye after a poetry workshop about Pablo Naruda last night at the Redmond Library. When I turned around, I had to hunt for it. Amazing that what we see subliminally is quite visible but what we look forand atoften takes time to see.
I mentioned it to the workshop's leader, Redmond Poet Laureate Michael Dylan Welch. He smiled and said "write a poem about it." So I did (see musing on the home page).
Observation of the day
July 21, 2014

Photo courtesy of Elizabeth Carroll Hayden.
This photo of me setting up the sound system at last Saturday's Poets in the Park was captured by Elizabeth Carroll Hayden.
Liz and I are on the board of the Redmond Association of Spokenword (RASP), which co-sponsored the event with the City of Redmond, WA. Our organization is deeply involved in literary arts in the community and this was a way to give back something to our writers and poets.
Poets in the Park has a nice literary ring to it. We filled Redmond's Anderson Park. We had poetry readings, activities for people to dolike a 35-foot wide labyrinth, and a book fair. The Redmond Poet Laureate Michael Dylan Welch organized it and over 100 teen and adult poets attended, along with other citizens (including Elizabeth Austin, the poet laureate of Washington State).
I like to work with sound systems, so I self-designated myself to be the technician. The red safari hat was a gift from my children. I couldn't be missed.
The wind blew over one of the canopies, but other than that, the day was a marvelous blend of sight, color, sound, poetry, spokenword and relaxed conversation.
Observation of the day
July 11, 2014

Photo courtesy of Terri Heavener.
I never thought I'd live to see this. Sworn enemies, dangerous competitors, mellowing out at opposite ends of the same couch.
Mini Kitteh, nestled in the pillows at right, doesn't allow anyone to invade her territory. Ritalyn, facing left on the sofa back, is the house nurse and worries a lot. The general outcome is that when Rita pops up to see if Mini is okay, there's a royal hissing match. There have been other results, too, including humans with deep scratchesso we try to keep them apart.
Imagine my surprise when Terri sent this photo. She was alone, the day was warm and still, and the "family" was at peace. Heavenly.
Observation of the day
July 3, 2014

Yesterday was a gorgeous day in Seattle. The day before was a gorgeous daywe set a new temperature record at 94 degrees. Today well, not so nice. Out my office window, the sky's gone, the fog's settled in, and the air is chilly. It's not my kind of "perk-me-up" day. Even looks like it might rain.
I'm a warm weather guy. I like heat and 90+ degrees doesn't phase me. I wear sweaters in the summer and bundle up when it drops below 60. In the desert, I feel fabulous.
Actually, I don't mind rain. It's the price we pay for living in this amazing green paradise.